Nominative entry form - 6thBpAcroCupClub name*Club name abbreviation*please use only alphabetic or numeric characters at least 6 characters maximum 10 characters this will be your usernameContact Person* Last name First name Email address* Phone number*Travel informationArrival date* DD MM YYYYflight number / train number - arrivalDeparture date* DD MM YYYYflight number / train number - departureAdditional notesDelegation informationName of Head of DelegationName of Team ManagerName of Judge1Name of Judge2Name of Coach1Name of Coach2Name of Coach3Name of Coach4Name of Coach5Nominative entriesPlease take care to use the correct spelling of the names. These names will be used as they are entered in this form for accreditation, starting orders, scoring system. Do not forget to send the form by clicking on the SUBMIT button at the end of this form. Your entry is only valid if you see a confirmation screen after submiting. In case of problems, please contact the OC.Team01Team01 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam01 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle 2)Date of birth (middle 2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam02Team02 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam02 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam03Team03 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam03 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam04Team04 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam04 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam05Team05 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam05 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam06Team06 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam06 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam07Team07 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam07 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam08Team08 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam08 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam09Team09 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam09 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYTeam10Team10 category (age)YOUTH11-1612-1813-19SENIORTeam10 category (group)WPMPWGMxPMGName (bottom)Date of birth (bottom) DD MM YYYYName (middle)Date of birth (middle) DD MM YYYYName (middle2)Date of birth (middle2) DD MM YYYYName (top)Date of birth (top) DD MM YYYYIf you have more than 10 teams please submit this form and start again a new form to enter the rest of the teams.Privacy Policy Accept Our Privacy PolicyYOUR PERSONAL DATA IS IMPORTANT AND PROTECTING IT IS A PRIORITY FOR US. You can find our privacy policy here.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.